Category Archives: Pharmacy Website Design

Find Reliable Drop Shipping to Ensure that Your Orders Arrive Safely

Because online pharmacies are often criticized, especially by United States officials and agencies, you may have concerns about how to ensure that your customers' pharmacy orders will be properly handled and safely delivered to their destination.

With intensive regulations and specific requirements for U.S. delivery, it is important that you work with drop shippers that can offer reliable tracking and delivery so you can rest assured that your packages are being safely handled.

When you work with our company, we will connect you with only the best drop shippers in India, the U.K. and Singapore. For example, you will work with drop shippers in India who have proper pharmacy licenses. They will process your orders and send them using Government Post. These orders will then be thoroughly inspected by Indian Customs and dispatched to the United States, where they will be safely delivered to your customers by the United States Postal Service.

In addition, all of our recommended shippers will offer a tracking number for each order so that you'll know just where your delivery is in the process within 24 hours.


Don't rely on just any drop shipper. Trust in our team to provide you with only the best!

Use Clear Website Policies to Garner Your Customers’ Trust

Before opening an online pharmacy, it is crucial to fully understand the rules and legalities of the business. This will ensure that your company stays in business and builds a strong reputation that will attract customers for years to come.

In order to operate legally and build trust among your customers, your website must include a proper disclaimer, terms and conditions, cancelation policies, and any other policies your company will operate under. If your policies are unclear, customers may be able to take legal action against you.

Due to strict U.S. regulations, you must also require a prescription for all U.S. orders and provide U.S. customers with no more than a 90-day supply of any medication.

When you choose our company to design your online pharmacy website, you'll have access to native content writers who can write accurate product descriptions, privacy policies, shipping policies, and more, to make sure that you stay protected.

In addition to following these basic guidelines, there are many ways to improve customers' experiences and build trust in your website. We highly recommend offering a 30-day money-back guarantee and using the McAfee security seal to show that your online pharmacy is protected from hackers and malware. Reliable online and telephone customer support services and customer testimonials will also show your customers that you are a reputable pharmacy.

With years of expertise in helping online pharmacies succeed, we are glad to help you implement the services that will help your business profit.

Prevent Legal Issues and Keep Your Pharmacy Thriving by Avoiding American Brand Names


As an owner of an online pharmacy, there are many important legal considerations you need to make. One of the biggest legal issues to avoid involves using U.S. brand names on your website.

Even though your pharmacy may carry a medication that is identical to an American name brand medication, you should always avoid using the American brand name.

If you use the name and an American company learns of it, you are likely to receive legal notices that can put your company in jeopardy.

When you choose our company for IT services, you will work with an experienced team that will ensure that your products are sold without ever using the U.S. brand names. Our trained customer service team will help you successfully sell your products using effective strategies that will not cause legal issues.

By helping you hire experienced call center experts, connecting you with affiliate programs that will help market your online pharmacy, and helping you advertise through social media, you'll have access to many proven strategies for success. Many companies working with a team of ten agents bring in revenues of $30,000 to $40,000 per month.

Would you like to know more about our many impressive sales strategies? Contact a representative today!

Protect Your Customers’ Privacy and Reap the Benefits of Offshore Hosting


Online pharmacies require the best in privacy protection. This is why you should always host and register your domain offshore.

As an online pharmacy, you are responsible for protecting a wide range of personal information, including sensitive medical information which your customers must legally provide in order to get a prescription and purchase drugs from your pharmacy. Unfortunately, there are many anti-privacy policies in the U.S. that can put your customers' personal information at risk. With offshore hosting, you'll enjoy improved protection of all of your sensitive information.

Offshore domain registration and hosting can also ensure that your website stays up and running consistently. Even legitimate online pharmacies are often shut down due to overly strict regulations intended to prevent illegitimate online pharmacies from profiting or harming customers. With an offshore domain, you will not be shut down due to errors.

In addition, offshore domain registration and hosting protects all of your information in case of a large system crash in your country. Even if you have your pharmacy's information backed up on your computer system, having a second offshore location in case of issues is a smart idea.

An added benefit of offshore domain registration and hosting is the fact that your business will show up in search results across the world, helping you to compete in a global market.

We recommend offers offshore domain registration and hosting in Panama, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere to maintain your privacy as well as your customers'. When you choose these offshore registrars, your customers' information will never be disclosed and you'll reap the benefits of our offshore services.

Keep Your Online Pharmacy Secure and Protected by Understanding The Law


Laws surrounding U.S. citizens purchasing medicines from India or elsewhere can be confusing. Many laws are in place to protect consumers' health and safety, but it is often unclear when it is appropriate for U.S. citizens to import prescription medication for their own use.

While the American Food and Drug Administration can be very strict about drug distribution from other countries, no American has ever been prosecuted for purchasing drugs from a foreign country for their personal use. This is because the FDA is less stringent about these types of cases.

Although individual citizens importing drugs by mail or in person is technically illegal, the FDA outlines several occasions where the law may not be enforced. For example, if a drug is not approved in the U.S. but it is approved in another country and is needed for a serious condition, it is unlikely that the FDA will take action. Additionally, the person purchasing the drug must be the person who will use it and must agree not to sell it to anyone else. Finally, if the prescription is for no more than a 90-day supply for one person, this is less of an issue.

The one piece of legal information that it is imperative for online pharmacies to understand is that they must require a prescription for all orders. The purchaser must have a relationship with the doctor who writes the prescription and have that doctor's signature on the prescription slip. In addition, prescriptions can only be written for 90-day supplies or less.

By keeping your orders to 90-day supplies and ensuring that all customers have a prescription, both you and your customers can feel secure and protected.

Create a Great Reputation for Your Online Pharmacy with a Range of Trusted Services


There is a common assumption that online pharmacies are not legitimate, but this often not the case. In 2014, law enforcement and custom agents from over 100 countries worked together to identify producers and distributors selling illegal drugs. Because of this negative publicity, many legitimate online pharmacies are also viewed with distrust by consumers.

One reason many quality online pharmacies are wrongly accused of being illegitimate is because some online pharmacies distribute controlled medications without prescriptions. Although many of these controlled substances are being used to get high rather than for legitimate medical purposes, many unethical drop shippers only want to make money. Unfortunately, this practice has led to many deaths in the United States being linked to online pharmacies.

When you work with our company, you will be connected to only reliable drop shippers that operate legitimately and require prescriptions for all medications. In addition, we offer ways for you to secure your online pharmacy's reputation. First, we recommend offering a 30-day money back guarantee on all products and placing the McAfee security seal on your website to enhance customer trust.

Additionally, we offer a variety of services that will help you run a business customers can depend on. By providing toll-free numbers, call agents, chat applications, and online representatives, your customers can easily communicate with experienced native English speakers regarding any questions or concerns they may have. We can even help you train your own employees, create blog posts, and more.

Start using these services today to make your company stand out as a trustworthy online pharmacy.

Get Fast and Trusted Payments with a Merchant Account for Your Online Pharmacy


If you are considering opening an online pharmacy and are having difficulties getting a merchant account through MasterCard or Visa, you are not alone. Due to strict regulations by US FDA and other pharmacy verification services that are trying to prevent the existence of illegitimate online pharmacies, even legitimate online pharmacies are experiencing difficulties. Major credit card companies will not provide merchant accounts to online pharmacies, due to which many online pharmacies just take credit card information on the website and process these cards on the virtual terminal. These online pharmacies apply for virtual terminal as Herbal Products or Technical Support.

In response to these issues, our company has created a convenient 3rd payment gateway system in offshore countries that will provide you with a merchant account including a virtual terminal and e-checks for your online pharmacy.

All payments will be processed by trusted and experienced online processors that charge 15% with holdbacks. The benefits of our payment gateways include fast and consistent weekly payouts. If you prefer, you can even equally distribute your sales and select from multiple payment platforms. This will add convenience for you and your customers and make your services even more desirable.

Get Quality Drop Shippers for a More Profitable Online Pharmacy


As brand name medicines in the United States become more and more expensive, drop shipping businesses, especially in India, are becoming increasingly popular. These businesses work directly with online pharmacy owners to ship orders to customers quickly and reliably.

Over the last 10 to 12 years, drop shipping has come into high demand as consumers try to save money on prescription drugs. Many consumers cannot afford expensive brand name medications and must look to other countries in order to find reliable and affordable medications that will treat their health issues. For example, filling a Sildenafil Citrate prescription in the United States costs $5 USD per pill. Cipla and Ranbaxy, two Indian medications with the same active ingredients as Sildenafil Citrate, cost just 20 cents per pill and deliver the same exceptional results. These enormous savings make online Indian pharmacies and drop shippers a popular choice for Americans and others throughout the world.

Because our company has over a decade of experience, we are affiliated with the best drop shippers in India, the U.K., and Singapore. That means you'll never have to keep goods in stock. Your orders will be shipped to customers directly from a dependable drop shipper. You'll also receive a tracking number for each order and can check the status of orders within 24 hours.

The result is a more profitable and convenient online pharmacy service.

Choose the Right IT Company and Watch Your Online Pharmacy Thrive


If you are considering starting an online pharmacy, you may have many questions about how to choose the right provider for the IT services you need. It is important that you choose a provider with specific expertise in online pharmacies as there are many logistical issues that can only be handled by an experienced team.

Ideally, you want to work with an IT company that can handle all of the features of your website, including contents, product descriptions and images, prices, policies, and reliable payment gateways. In addition, this company must be able to help your online pharmacy appear at the top of internet search results by offering search engine optimization, effective advertising options, and other features that will draw potential customers to your site.

This is where our company comes in. From professional website design to policies, blog posts, newsletters, and product descriptions written by native English speakers, your website will be created by a knowledgeable team that knows how to connect you with your customer base.

We also offer the ability to place your advertisements on U.S. affiliate websites that will help you find customers and drive traffic to your business. In addition, you will work with experts who know how to help you reach the top ten in online search results for many of your services. Our call center is staffed by a team of skilled professionals who understand your products and can help you bring in maximum revenues.

Call us today to take the next steps toward a lucrative online pharmacy!